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Dr Marie Lea-Wilson
The story of Dr Marie Lea-Wilson, one-time owner of Caravaggio’s The Taking of Christ.

Margaret Elizabeth Cousins
Social reformer and women’s activist

Biddy Early
The wise women of the West

The Overend Women
Independent women of the 1900s

Typhoid Mary
Mary Mallon: Typhoid victim

Ettie Steinberg
The Only Irish Victim of the Holocaust

The Female Orphan Scheme to Australia in the 1840s
"Morally pure" girls were selected from Irish workhouses for the scheme

Peg Plunkett
Brothel madam

Ellen Hutchins (1785-1815)
Ireland's first female botanist

Matilda Knowles
Pioneering Irish Botanist and Lichenologist

Kay McNulty
Mother of modern computer programming

The Ulster Crisis and the Emergence of the Ulster Women’s Unionist Council
The women of the Ulster Unionist movement

Margaret Skinnider
Rebel of 1916

Kathleen Clarke
Dublin’s first woman Lord Mayor

Mary Robinson
President and human rights activist

Dirty Protests
Symbolism behind Troubles' protests

Mary Moore
1798 rebel

Christina Noble
Philanthropist & Children's rights activist

Constance Markievicz
Politian, Rebel and Revolutionary

Roesia de Verdun
Norman femme sole